TOP 10: Strange And Dangerous Places Where People Actually Live.
Little House on the Island (Island House) on the St.
Lawrence River.
The house is located on the
border of the United States and Canada, erected on such a small area that it is
barely enough to accommodate the house itself. The house, which occupies an
island in the St. Lawrence River that separates New York and the Canadian
province of Ontario, it could pass for a boat floating leisurely along the
Cold Pole
City Verkhoyansk is located
at a distance of more than 4,800 kilometers from the Russian capital, Moscow,
deep in the forest, which is the most extensive forest in the world. Siberian
city is also considered the "coolest city on earth" For this reason
it is also known as the "Pole of Cold". In the period between
September and March in Verkhoyansk everything freezes, as here, there are at
least 5 hours of sunlight a day. In December and January, the sun does not.
Life in the closet
How well do you really know
every nook and cranny of your home? Can you say with certainty that apart from
you or your family in it no one else lives? It may sound like the plot of a
cheap horror movie, but real people can always develop their potential and
become spooky much more terrible than dead!
So, imagine that your house
is not settled insect pests or pets of any plan, and the real people unfamiliar
to you. 57-year-old Japanese man noticed that he began to disappear food. In
surprise he found a surveillance camera to capture something strange. He
succeeded with a vengeance, as he found in his apartment lived a stranger.
Police discovered that the intruder was a 58-year-old Tatsuko Horikawa .The
woman lived in the top of the closet in the apartment of the man! She even
managed to drag a comfortable mattress and was taking a shower when the man was
not at home! The most amazing thing is that all this went on for a year.
The very name of Greenland's ironic, because greens are incredibly
small, but as people. It is the second largest island in the world, Australia
is the first. Those 57,000 people who live on this island must be truly very
hardy. Needless to say, that they share the island with polar bears and burning
cold. In many parts of Greenland's people going through three months of
continuous sunlight in the summer, and then three months in the winter night.
Closed pool Sistan (Sistan
Basin), Afghanistan
Whatever was not icy Greenland, on our planet, there are many places
that are the complete opposite of her. One of them is a closed pool of Sistan
in Afghanistan. As Greenland is the place is a testament to our influence on
the ecosystem of the planet. Previously, it housed wetlands Hamun (Hamoun), fed
by the river Helmand. Once upon a time this place was fertile habitat for
wildlife and a haven for agriculture. This area became dry up in the 90s
because of the merciless drought and irrigation systems. Long years of war in
that country also was the reason that this place has not been restored. At the
moment, the area, located in the south of the country, has become one of the
driest places on earth, despite all the attempts of the United Nations to
revive her.
Changtang Region (Changhang
Region), Tibetan Plateau
Do not look down! The average altitude of the region reached nearly
5,000 meters! This steppe is the habitat of birds, Tibetan gazelle, wild sheep
and nomadic peoples Changpa. You need to be a truly brave man to live at such
heights. They are not guided by the fear of heights, because they practically
live on the side of a mountain.
One room, one place
Geologists have got on the Siberian side of the mountain in 1978 and
found a family Lykov. The family fled from religious persecution in 1936,
during the darkest days of Stalin's regime and settled on a hillside in one
room. They survived on potatoes, rye bread and hemp seeds, until the family
learned the art of catching animals in the late fifties. Their diet became even
more extreme when his mother died in that year, when winter has ruined their
crops. They survived by eating tree bark and skin boots.
At the time of detection of the children have not seen a single living
human being, in addition to members of his family. Their language was
unintelligible, as read to them was only the Bible. What is surprising is that
the family would prefer to stay in a small room, after they were discovered.
They took a gift some tools and decided to stay on and hermits.
These tropical islands seem a paradise on earth and they really is, but
the question is - how long will they stay afloat? Maximum height above sea
level, the islands is only 180 centimeters. The archipelago is located in the
Indian Ocean at the mercy of rising sea level. According to recent estimates,
it will soon have to go under water. Little House on the St. Lawrence River is
one thing, but here the scale is such that one-third of the population was left
without a roof over his head after the tsunami of 2004. The capital of the
archipelago is the island of Male, which nearly sank in 1987 because of the
huge waves. So when the last president was sworn in, he became the first
president to make a plan of evacuation of the population consists of 300,000
inhabitants, if the Maldives will become submerged.
House in stone near Fafe (Nas
Montanhas de Fafe), Portugal
Have you ever heard the saying "hamstrung"? The small resort
in Portugal is the embodiment of this saying, with only one difference is that
the house is sandwiched between two boulders. It is possible that a home owner
and architect resorted to any giants to roll up stones to the right place as a
cheaper alternative to the construction. The house was built in 1974, it is not
supplied with electricity, despite the fact that the wind turbine is adjacent!
This house has become a permanent tourist destination, despite the fact that some
visits are not as friendly as we would like. Due to the fact that the house
trying to get a few times, now its windows decorated with bullet-proof glass,
and steel.
Tornado Alley (Tornado
Corridor), Oklahoma, Tulsa, United States
Interstate 44 (Interstate Corridor 44) passes right next to the Oklahoma
and Tulsa. Furthermore, in this part of lives of more than 1 million Americans.
However, since 1890 there were more than 120 tornadoes, and May 3, 1999 70
tornadoes swept through Texas, Kansas and Oklahoma. In Oklahoma, a tornado
demolished 1700 houses and damaged 6,500 more, which brought the total loss of
$ 1 billion. The area was only five years of peace when no one tornado is not
swept from 1992 to 1998. In Tulsa 69 tornadoes passed between 1950 and 2006.
Despite the fact that the situation is not so terrible in Oklahoma, the city
flooded in 1974, 1976 and 1984. Just imagine the frustration and constant care
that the place where you live, work and play friends, can be destroyed in
minutes. However, it is also a proof of how far people can go in search of