пятница, 13 ноября 2015 г.

TOP 15: The Most Unusual Fruits.

Top 15: The Most Unusual Fruits     

1. Bambangan - If you don’t have money, time or just cannot go to Ukraine and to try a real borsch, it does not matter. Just order this fruit, which growing in Malaysia and taste Ukrainian borsch. Such a clear, specific taste of borsch with sour cream and mayonnaise at the same time!

2. Kiwano - a strange thing that resembles a mixture of cucumber and melon. Himself a native fruit from New Zealand. The insides of the fruit no less strange and resemble green liquid, which is usually in the films derived from dead aliens.
3. Dragon fruit, also known as pitahaya, does have something in common with the dragons. From the side it looks like a modern art creation. Originally this fruit from Mexico, but today has become quite popular throughout the world and is growing in Indonesia, Australia and even in Israel
4. Durian. Of all the famous durian fruit is deserved most polar characteristics. The smell of durian is so disgusting, that it is not allowed in most public places. But if, holding his nose and breaking disgust, you still try the flesh, you will understand why this fruit is called "king." Homeland durian - Southeast Asia.
5. Hand of Buddha - an unusual piece of fruit, like a strange lemon with very thick peel and sometimes do nothing except cover available. Because it is impossible to squeeze the juice and often it does not happen and seeds. In China, it is often kept in the house as a talisman. This fruit is also frequently used in the manufacture of perfumes.
6. Passion fruit in many countries known as the "fruit of passion". It comes from South America and is characterized by an unusually delicious juice. Its flesh is no less tasty and often serves as a supplement to a variety of confections.
7. Pandanus is also known as helical palm. Homeland pandanus are Malaysian island of the archipelago. Its fruits have been used in almost all areas of life - from the manufacture of paint, before eating.


8. Rambutan - mysterious fruit from Southeast Asia. It is mainly used in the manufacture of jams and jellies, and the seeds were roasted and eaten.
9. Akebia quinata, also known as "scansorial cucumber" came to us from Central China. Its fruits are very interesting, reminiscent of sausages with edible flesh in the middle, tastes like raspberries.
10. Atemoya - a hybrid of cherimoya and sugar apple. This fruit is considered one of the best fruits in the world. It is called the "Queen of subtropical fruits" Pulp annonas tastes like mango and pineapple, just melts in your mouth like a cream or sour cream.
11. Snake fruit, also known as Salak gives the fruit covered with skin, surprisingly reminiscent of a snake's skin, like an onion. The flesh is yellow-beige, sweet, aromatic, and has a specific taste. For clean it should be how to adapt himself or can be easily shot up all trades.

12. Carambola (star fruit) Fruit tree native to the Philippines grow throughout the Southeast Asia, East Asia, South America. When ripe, it becomes bright yellow and tastes very juicy and crisp.

 13. Sugar apple (Annona scaly) This fruit is native to tropical America, but it is also grown in Pakistan, India and the Philippines. Fruits something like a pine cone, a diameter of about 10 cm. Of the fetus having a light taste of custard, white flesh inside and a small amount of seeds.

 14. Breadfruit. Breadfruit tree belongs to the mulberry family and is native to the Philippines and from the islands of Southeast Asia. The fruit tastes like a banana, you can eat them raw, when they are fully ripe

15. Lychee. Outwardly resembles fruit longan and rambutan, it grows in clusters on small evergreen trees. They have a sweet-sour taste. Lychee grape called paradise or the eye of the dragon. The fruit is usually used for desserts.